News & Events, Spring 2023

Register Today! Write@UGA 2023

Register Today! Write@UGA 2023

On Wednesday, February 22, 2023, Write@UGA at the University of Georgia will proudly host this year’s guest speaker event series on “Writing-Enriched Curriculum: Faculty-Driven and Discipline-Relevant Approaches to Writing Instruction.” This event will take place in person and on Zoom, featuring keynote speaker Pamela Flash, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, Co-Director of the Center for Writing, and Affiliate Graduate Faculty for the Literacy and Rhetorical Studies Minor at the University of Minnesota.

Keynote AddressWriting-Enriched Curriculum: Faculty-Driven and Discipline-Relevant Approaches to Writing Instruction

9:00 am-10:00 am (EST), 250 Miller Learning Center and Zoom

In this talk, Pamela Flash will highlight dramatically varied expectations faculty members hold for student writing at her own public R1 and will identify structural, conceptual, and attitudinal challenges blocking the integration of relevant writing instruction into undergraduate courses and course-systems. She’ll introduce the 17-year old Writing-Enriched Curriculum (WEC), a faculty-driven model by which departments answer critical (and often ignored) questions such as, “What writing abilities do we think students in our majors should be able to demonstrate by the time they graduate? Why do we prioritize these? How do (and how might) we take a collective approach to addressing these writing abilities in the busy courses we teach? Answers to these questions are compiled into “Undergraduate Writing Plans” which then move into a sequence of supported implementation and assessment. This model, developed in collaboration with faculty members from across the University of Minnesota, is now undergoing adaptations in colleges and universities across the country, helping to address common misconceptions surrounding academic writing, writing instruction, and approaches to change-making.

About the Speaker

Pamela Flash serves as Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, Co-Director of the Center for Writing, and Affiliate Graduate Faculty for the Literacy and Rhetorical Studies Minor at the University of Minnesota where she has taught and has administered teaching-oriented programming since 1991. Flash is founding director of both the University of Minnesota’s Writing-Enriched Curriculum Program and of its interdisciplinary Teaching with Writing Program. Her research, publications, consultations, and presentations focus on the WEC model, writing pedagogy, composition theory, discourse communities, and the use of qualitative research methods (particularly inductive consultation, collaborative action research, and ethnographic methodologies) to enable sustainable pedagogic change on individual, departmental, and institutional levels. She has consulted extensively with colleges and universities interested in adapting the WEC model to their institutional contexts. Flash serves as Co-PI in a five-year, multi-institutional NSF grant investigating the impact of brief writing prompts on conceptual learning in large-enrollment STEM courses.

Write@UGA 2023 Sponsors

This event is sponsored by the Department of English, Ballew Lecture Committee; the Division of Biological Sciences; the Center for Teaching and Learning; Franklin College of Arts & Sciences; the Office of Instruction; and the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources.

Write@UGA 2023 Coordinators

Write@UGA is coordinated by Lindsey Harding, Elizabeth Davis, and Holly Gallagher.