Franklin College Writing Intensive Program

The Writing Intensive Program (WIP) gives Franklin College of Arts and Sciences faculty the opportunity to offer writing intensive courses that provide students with writing opportunities and instruction across the disciplines. Writing intensive courses are one of the AAC&U’s “High-Impact Educational Practices” that have been shown to benefit student learning and engagement. WIP’s core principles are that teaching writing means interpreting and guiding the writing process and responding to student work in productive and helpful ways that encourage revision.

Director: Dr. Lindsey Harding

WIP offers support through specially trained TAs who work with faculty and students to integrate writing activities and instruction into the courses to support faculty in their efforts to help students develop their writing skills and use writing as a means of academic exploration.

To learn more about how to propose an undergraduate course for the program and about WIP pedagogy and philosophy, please visit or contact WIP Director, Dr. Lindsey Harding (